Sunday, September 26, 2010

Last's Night Dinner

I've been here for about two and a half weeks, and among many other things, I've been learning how to cook. Well, actually, let me rephrase that. I can't really say that I've learned how to cook, it's more that I've learned how to balance meals.

For those who don't know, I have my own apartment with a kitchen. This is a great blessing because it means that I don't have to spend a small fortune on a meal plan. However, the flipside is that I need to cook my own meals; this includes doing all my own shopping. It's kind of fun, because there are four local grocery stores and so I compare prices between them to figure out where to buy what. I've learned a lot about how to buy, cook, and prepare food, although it's still really weird buying only one pound of pasta instead of four. Today I wanted to post some pictures for the mothers reading to prove that I am eating my veggies. Here's an example of one of my meals.  

Lol I won't lie and say that I take the time to make all my meals look this organized, but here's what I ate last night. And yes, I did make those french fries. I went to the open market and got a huge bag of potatoes for 1 Euro and am trying different recipes with them.


  1. Notice he cuts off the 2 liter bottle of root beer to the left of the plate. lol

  2. You're wise samwise. Lol i've been good though, it's my roommate's soda :)

  3. i am so hungry now haha! looks good :)
