Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pictures of My Apartment

View from outside my window. It's a bad picture because of the screen, but I was just trying to show that there's a turf field right outside my window.

You can kind of see the red track in this one.

Here's a picture from in my room. My bed is to the left.

My school desk
The other bed

Looking out the doorway from my room

The apartment is a hallway. That door at the end is the entrance. Ivan (my roommate's room) is right to the left, and the bathroom is to the right. The kitchen is straight behind me, and behind me to my left is my room.

My massive mirror that all the girls are jealous of

The bathroom

Bathroom sink

Looking down the hallway the other way, that is the entrance to the kitchen

In the kitchen

The kitchen table, and a cake, courtesy of awesome Balkan Grandparents

Our microwave and plug-in grill

Kitchen window

Other side of the kitchen

One side of Ivan's room
I realize this is about six weeks overdue, but better late then never I suppose... These are the pictures of the apartment where I live. I have a flatmate, but we each have our own room. You'll notice I have two beds in my room, that's because they put an extra one in for my brothers when they came to drop me off, and I asked them to leave it. I only have one picture of my flat mate's room so far, because he wanted to clean it more before I took pictures. He didn't know I was going to take pictures so his room is a little messy, but in his defense, my room was much more messy, I just cleaned it all right before I took the pictures. I'll post pictures of the rest of his room later. 

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